Searching for My Favorite Self

A few weeks ago a twitter post recirculated on the Relentless Indigenous Woman Facebook page and it imprinted on my heart. The post referenced a “favorite self.”

Orignal poster @SierraChas wrote:

I saw somewhere earlier go be your “favorite self”

We are used to “higher” or “best”

But “favorite” leaves room for Grace.

I am going to be the version of myself that I like right now in this moment.

This got me thinking….what did my Favorite Self look like? Also the concept of leaving room for Grace, what a beautiful sentiment, right??

And as someone who is recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, I find if I don’t leave room for grace with myself, it is next to impossible to do with others. This doesn’t mean I have to fight my high achieving tendencies but I can invite Grace to the party. The concept of “favorite self” to me is still aspirational but it gives off work in progress vibes not A plus student at all costs vibes.

What is your favorite self? What does that look like to you?

I encourage you to sit in that question in the quiet of your knowing, and see what you hear back.

When I took out my pen and my journal, below are some things that came to me……..

My favorite self allows herself to enjoy the moments she’s in instead of comparing them to the ones before or the ones she will have soon.

My favorite self slows down and is intentional in her responses.

My favorite self gets nourishing solitude.

My favorite self takes care of herself with good sleep, food, and hydration.

My favorite self allows herself to do things for the joy and delight of them , not for the check mark on a to-do list.

My favorite self listens and is listened to.

My favorite self is curious and hungry to learn new things.

My favorite self loves to share what she learns with others.

My favorite self loves to cheer others on and help them win.

My favorite self is courageous enough to feel her feelings and ask for what she needs.

My favorite self does the next right thing.

My favorite self does not have to have all the answers.

My favorite self embraces change.

My favorite thing is generous with her grace.

My favorite thing can receive love and goodness easily because she knows she deserves it.

My favorite self loves to laugh.

My favorite self runs her own race and lets others run theirs.

My favorite self choose connection over being right.

My favorite self is enthusiastic about things she cares about.

My favorite self is a proponent of what she wants.

My favorite self allows herself to dream and desire.

My favorite self expresses herself without the worry of what others might think.

My favorite self says NO when she means NO and YES when she means YES.

My favorite self makes the time for rewarding relationships.

My favorite self has standards and holds her self and her life to them.

My favorite self honors her body and appreciates how it carries her through things.

My favorite self is not afraid to be “bad” at something.

My favorite self honors her inner artist.

My favorite self trusts her own deep knowing.

My favorite self is connected to the spirit world.

My favorite self is aware of the energy she brings into the room.

My favorite self is not ashamed of wanting to be seen and heard.

My favorite self makes loving actions a priority.

My favorite sets boundaries and keeps them.

My favorite self embraces imperfections.

My favorite self prioritizes items on her schedule based on her true values.

My favorite self travels and goes on adventures big and small.

My favorite self loves a good meal.

My favorite self loves curling up to a great book and talking to no one for hours.

My favorite self loves to learn from others and honor their expertise.

My favorite self loves to be around beautiful things.

My favorite self loves soft fabric against my skin.

My favorite self looks into people’s eyes and really sees them.

My favorite self pursues honest connection with every interaction.

My favorite self does not waste time doing things she does not want to do.

My favorite self honors her creative impulses.

My favorite self sees abundance.

My favorite self honors her needs.

My favorite self loves to sing.

My favorite self loves to dance with a partner.

My favorite self communicates directly, saying what she means and meaning what she says.

My favorite self embraces the beauty and the quiet of the sunrise.

My favorite self has a rich spiritual life.

My favorite self can do hard things and still practice joy.

My favorite self feels deserving of pleasure.

My favorite self is not afraid of wanting more.

My favorite self does not waste time with people, places or things that don’t honor my values or goals.

After realizing what a long list I made, I kind of chuckled. Was that my perfectionism coming in or was that just the free flowing of ideas that I was not censoring?

Either way, I thought maybe I would focus on the favorite self I can best align with today.

What does today’s favorite self look like?

She doesn’t have to be all these things at once, not if she leaves room for Grace.


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